Week 2 is all about taking care of your emotional and mental wellbeing!
What is emotional wellness? Emotional wellness is your ability to manage the successes and challenges of life. Your emotional wellness should not be measured by how 'good' you feel at any given moment, but rather by your ability to understand and accept circumstances then move forward in healthy ways. Why is emotional wellness important? Not only does being emotionally well help you to maintain a positive outlook during stressful times, it contributes to feeling great in life's good moments no matter how small. Additionally, being able to handle stress and other emotional struggles emotionally can minimize the toll those emotions take on you physically. Stress, especially long term, can disrupt your immune system, cause hormonal imbalances and digestive disorders, or eventually lead to high blood pressure. Healthy habits and emotional wellness go hand in hand. When you're able to maintain your emotional health, you're more likely to set yourself up to develop healthier practices in other wellness areas. How can I stay emotionally well? As life ebbs and flows, it is impossible to feel 'happy' all the time. It's important to remember that every emotion is crucial to your emotional wellness. The National Institutes of Health describe 6 ways to improve your emotional health: Build resilience, Reduce stress, Be mindful, Get quality sleep, Cope with loss, and Strengthen social connections. More in depth information is available by clicking on the link. |
Important note: The previous week 2 board had an activity to attend a Ride & Reps class - the updated version reflects attending the current Wednesday class TRX Fitness Xpress (30 min class)
Take the week 2 survey AFTER turning in your Week 2 activity board